Internal Complaint Committee
The Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) is a cell in MES Training college, Edathala to deal with the issue of gender-based violence and to conduct gender sensitization program. The ICC constituted in our institution is working as per the guidelines of UGC (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in Higher Educational Institutions) Regulations 2015.
Objectives of College Internal Complaint Committee:
- To prevent discrimination and sexual harassment, by promoting gender amity among students and employees.
- To make recommendations to the college management for changes/elaborations in the Rules for students in the Prospectus and the Bye-Laws, to make them gender just and to lay down procedures for the prohibition, resolution, settlement and prosecution of acts of discrimination and sexual harassment, by the students and the employees.
- To deal with cases of discrimination and sexual harassment against women, in a time bound manner, aiming at ensuring support services to the victimized and termination of the harassment.
Complaint Procedure of ICC in MES Training College:
- Complaint regarding sexual harassment can be made either in paper form or by sending e-mail to Complaint made should be clearly stated.
- The aggrieved woman can make written complaints against the employer within a period of three months from the date of incident.
- In case the aggrieved woman is unable to make a complaint on account of her physical incapacity, a complaint may be filed inter alia by her relative or friend or her coworker.
- The written complaint should be handed over to any member of the ICC.
Working Procedure of ICC in MES Training College:
- All complaints dealt very confidentially.
- Only matters regarding sexual harassment will under the consideration of ICC.
- The committee will complete the enquiry in the shortest possible time from the date of complaint received to the committee.
- The committee shall provide reasonable opportunity for the complainant and the accused for presenting or defending their case.
- The committee will prepare an enquiry report in this regard and forward its findings and recommendations to the management for necessary action.
Structure of ICC in MES training College, Edathala:
The Committee Comprises of Seven Members:
- Representative from the college management
- College Principal (presiding officer)
- Two Women faculty members
- One representative from non-teaching staff
- One student representative member
- External member.
The Current Members of ICC in MES Training College:
- Prof. Dr. M.K.Muhammed Aslam (Secretary, MES Managing committee)
- Prof. Dr. T.P. Omana(Principal,Presiding Offcer)
- Adv. Indira Devi (External member)
- Ms. Preetha Gopalakrishnan ( Faculty member and ICC Coordinator)
- Ms. Soumya A S ( Faculty Member)
- Ms. Sajitha P.K (Non-teaching staff)
- Theertha Surendran (Student representative)
Inauguration of ICC - 20-21 and a Webinar on “SEXUAL HARASSMENT ON WOMEN AND POCSO RULES". - Resource Person - Adv. Indira Devi N, Practicing at High Court of Kerala and District Court at Thrissur
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